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The Child

Advocacy Center (CAC)


Child Enrichment's Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a nationally and state-accredited program that uses a multi-disciplinary approach in assisting families when there are allegations of child abuse. The Child Advocacy Center works closely with law enforcement agencies, the Department of Family and Children's Services, the District Attorney's Office, and other child-serving agencies to help ensure every family receives individualized care to lessen systemic trauma. The CAC serves the Augusta Judicial Circuit (Richmond and Burke Counties), the Columbia Judicial Circuit (Columbia County), and the Toombs Judicial Circuit (McDuffie, Warren, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Glascock, and Lincoln Counties). Last year, 813 children received these services, along with 439 of their family members. 

Child Enrichment provides a voice and a path forward for children and families that have experienced abuse and neglect. We are so grateful to former CAC clients Alyssa Gordon, Kayla Anderson, and their mom Debbie Hatcher for sharing their story in the hopes that silent victims of abuse can find their voice.

The Services Provided by the CAC

Forensic Interviews

The CAC provides video-recorded forensic interviews of children after an allegation of abuse has been made. This is a unique service offered exclusively by specially trained forensic interviews at the CAC. This service includes:

  • Referrals from Law Enforcement (LE) and Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS)

  • Forensic Interviewers follow the “ChildFirst” protocol for children ages 3-17

  • Multi-session Forensic Interviews are provided for children with severe trauma

  • Expert testimony in criminal proceedings

  • Community abuse prevention education

  • Facilitating the Multidisiplinary Care Review meeting to ensure a coordinated response to cases


Family and Victim Advocacy

When a child has been interviewed at the CAC, they receive follow up services from a CAC Family and Victim Advocate.  This service includes:

  • Meeting with caregivers at the time of the interview to provide information and support

  • Medical Advocacy -if there is a need for specialized medical exams

  • Therapy Referrals to either the CAC or a referral out to a trauma trained mental health provider

  • Providing education regarding victim rights and victim compensation

  • Non-offending Caregiver Support Group

  • Providing updates to families about the status of their case

  • Connecting families to community resources and assistance as needed


Therapy Services

When a child has been referred to counseling for sexual abuse, physical abuse, sex trafficking, or other trauma they may receive free mental health services at the CAC. This service includes: 

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to victims of abuse and their families

  • Court preparation and support when a child is required to testify during a trial or legal proceeding

  • Individual and group counseling for children ages 5-17

  • Participating in school and judicial conference

  • Training to the community and professions on the dynamics and treatment of abuse

  • Collaborating with agencies, schools, and medical providers to achieve therapy goals

  • Participating in the Multidisciplinary Care Review Team meetings


How CACs Help Kids- National Children's Alliance