

Prevention involves proactive efforts by individuals, families, and communities to stop child abuse and neglect before it starts. By working together and clearly defining actions that promote safe, stable, and nurturing environments, we can build a shared vision and collective responsibility for protecting Georgia’s children and families. Preventing harm today helps shape healthier, more resilient future generations. When children grow up in environments that support their emotional and developmental needs, it fosters healthy brain development, lifelong learning, and success—empowering them to lead and thrive in their communities tomorrow. We are the stewards of the next generation, and our commitment to prevention is the foundation for building a brighter, stronger future for all.


The issue

Child abuse and neglect are common. Statistics will likely be an underestimate because many cases are unreported.

The consequences


the solution

Report child abuse or neglect

in the state of Georgia 24/7

Call 855-GA-CHILD (1-855-422-2445).

Unsure of what to do as a parent? Need parent support or information on resources? Call Prevent Child Abuse Georgia’s Helpline, 1-800-CHILDREN (1-800-244-5373).


trainings we offer

Connections Matter Georgia

Connections Matter is a training offered both in-person and virtually, aimed at empowering community members to build supportive connections that enhance resiliency, prevent childhood trauma, and reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) using Georgia data. The training also explores how our interactions with others can help those who have experienced trauma. Healthy minds are key to helping individuals reach their full potential. By promoting trauma-informed environments, businesses, child and family service professionals, faith communities, and individuals can help people manage stress and foster stronger community bonds. The Connections Matter training lasts 4 hours and can be delivered in one session or split into two.

Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children

We provide the Stewards of Children child sexual abuse prevention training, developed by Darkness to Light (D2L), to all adults responsible for children. Since 2006, over 153,000 adults in Georgia have completed this program. This evidence-informed, adult-focused curriculum is the only one proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change behaviors related to child sexual abuse prevention. The 2.5-hour training is offered in group sessions led by authorized facilitators. The training is suitable for parents, professionals, and volunteers in youth-serving organizations like schools, faith centers, camps, daycares, sports leagues, and clubs.

Mandated Reporter Training

Mandated reporting involves the early recognition of child maltreatment to prevent further abuse. Many mandated reporters, such as child-serving professionals and volunteers, have established relationships with children that may allow for disclosures of abuse or help them identify signs of maltreatment. However, barriers like fear of reporting, difficulty recognizing all forms of abuse, and unclear organizational policies can prevent these professionals from making a report when they suspect abuse.

Safe Sanctuaries

This training is designed for local churches working with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. It covers the fundamentals of Safe Sanctuaries and explains why it's crucial for your church to adopt these practices. Understanding the "why" behind these guidelines will make it easier to implement effective boundaries and directives in your own setting. To enhance accountability and safety within your church, this training is highly recommended. The session lasts for 2 hours.



Adults trained in Child Abuse Prevention in FY 2023-2024


Join the Prevent Child Abuse Greater Augusta Council!


Join the Prevent Child Abuse Greater Augusta Council to collaborate with local organizations, government entities, and community partners to prevent child maltreatment. Engage in quarterly networking opportunities, share resources to promote positive childhoods, and participate in Child Abuse Prevention Month activities each April. You’ll also help plan an annual conference with Child Enrichment Inc. and Resilient Communities of East Georgia, bringing the community together to tackle child abuse prevention. Together, we can create a safer, stronger future for children and families in our community.


Additional Resources

Belonging for Hope - an initiative from GA DFCS explaining every community member’s role in promoting healthy childhoods and strong families

Connections Matter Georgia

Find Help Georgia

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia

30 Prevention Tips from the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy